Your website is in many cases the first encounter people

will have with you.  In other cases, it serves as a follow-up in due diligence after someone has met  you.

In either of those cases, it becomes cause for you to clarify your intentions for having it in the first place.  Whether it be a redesign or a brand new site, I often see people paralyzed with uncertainty as to what message they want to send, what content they need to create, and what visual imagery they wish to incorporate in their site in order to communicate their message. They may become stalled in the waters before they have a chance to even make it to the next step.

As incongruous as it may sound, putting up a website  becomes a transformative experience in claiming and clarifying your business, service, or message.  It requires a concentrated effort of:



    content creation

    content distribution

    intention setting, as well as

    managing the logistics of the Internet and how to get your site noticed

    Intuitive Perspectives has successfully guided businesses and individuals in this process through offering hourly consultations that begin with deep personal work to clarify your intention and mission with your website, and moving onto site content development which will achieve your ultimate outcome of a website that precisely expresses your specific business, message or service.  We help you clear any resistances or blocks that previously may have inhibited your ability to complete this process, leaving you with your brand new website and image to proudly display to the world. 

    Contact us

    to get started!


    "The way of the Creative works through change and transformation, so that each thing receives its true nature and destiny and comes into permanent accord with the Great Harmony: this is what furthers and what perseveres."
    Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744)